내가 가장 좋아라하는 팝스타 MIKA 내한공연 하는날!
그럼 우리 다함께 그 공연의 현장으로 가보까요? 고고고!!!
(2009.11.28 Saturday at 7:00p.m.!
My favorite pop artist, MIKA finally had his first Korean concert!
Let's take a look what's like!! GO GO GO!!!)
(The Promotion Bus for his 2nd Album, "The boy who knew too much"!
As much as I was excited to find this bus.............)
하얀색 포니!! 어머머 포니가 아직도 서울 한복판을 활보하고 다니는구나!!
(I was excited to find this old PONY running around Seoul! Pony! Such an old school!!!)
티켓이 다 매진이였으니...요 작은 공연장 앞에 사람들이 바글바글했다.
국밥먹다 차례를 놓친 우리는 그냥 구경하고 사진 촬영중!
암튼 많은 사람들을 보니 나의 심장도 급 뛰기 시작했고요! 기대기대기대기대에 부푼 "탐~탐"
Tickets were sold out in 10 minutes. When it came to 6:30p.m. the square gets crowded and crowded and so filled with whole black hair people! We were late due to the dinner, so we were just enjoying the incredible view of black waiting line!
As I saw the crowd, my heart started to pump quickly! yes.yes.yes.yes.yes....i was so so excited.
6:30분쯤? 드디어 입장 시작! 공연장안은 동그란 원으로 데코레이트 되어있었다!
컨셉의 황제 미카! 도대체 이번 공연은 무슨 컨셉인거지?
Around 6:30? Finally, we were rushed into the hall! The stage was decorated with white circles!
The master of the CONCEPT, MIKA! What's the concept for today? I wondered...
시간은 흐르고 7시는 넘었고...7시 15분쯤???? 드디어 조명이 꺼지고....스크린에 동영상이 나오고..
It passed 7..... about 7:15???? All the lights were out, and a movie clip was on the screen..
흑백 영화~ 인가 했더니....
"우주선 발사에 관련된 영상이였다. 다들 로켓발사에 흥분되어있었고..
우주선은 드디어 발사가 되었고..아무 문제 없는 듯 했으나...그러나.....
몇 초 되지 않아...우주선은 문제가 발생하였고 터졌다. 그리고 우주선에 타고있던 사람은 흔적을 찾아볼 수 가 없었다.................." 라는...동영상!
At the beginning, it was a B/W old movie with an old songs....but it wasn't just that, but
"it was about the spaceship's launching. Everybody was excited to see its launching.
Finally, it was launched perfectly..... First, it seemed super and everything was controlled, but
but....in some seconds, the spaceship showed an error sign and it was exploded.
Unfortunately, the man in the spaceship was gone. Nobody couldn't find his traces."
It was a short summary of the clip!
그러나 그 사람은.....한국 서울 한복판에 떨어졌고.....그 우주인은 서서히 무대위로 걸어나왔다!
장비를 벗었고 그는 바로!! 바로 미카!!!!
공연장의 동그란 원들은 바로 우주와 지구를 상징하는 것들 이였던 거지...
However, the spaceman fell down in Korea, specifically Seoul..... He slowly walked into the center. He took of his equipment and revealed himself. Yes!!! He is MIKA!!! He's here!!
All the decorated circles represented stars and planets.
그렇게 공연은 시작되었다!!!!!! 완전 소리 대박으로 질러가면서!!!공연은 Relax(Take it easy)로 시작되었다!!
Just like that, the gig began!!!!!!! I screamed out as loud as i could!!!! The first song was Relax(Take it easy)!!!
그럼 공연사진 감상하세요~
Here comes some of the pics from the gig! Enjoy
여기까지가 공연~ 정말 공연끝나고 얼마나 뛰었으면 무릎이 아파서 죽는줄 알았다. 처음이야 이렇게 아픈 적은! 결론은 미카의 라이브는 씨디에서 듣는것보다 훌륭했다는것! 타고난 음악인이야! 거기다가 긴 팔다리로 허우적허우적 추는 미카의 춤은 정말 실루엣만 봐도 알 수 있다.
그리고 한복을 입고 나와서 팬서비스를 해주신 미카! 감사합니다. 그리고 당신의 윗통은 정말 마르고 탄탄하고... 진정 최고입니다요! 공연은 정말 에너지가 가득 찼고, 팬들도 환상이였다!
암튼 미카의 팬이라는게 자랑스럽다!
그리고 미카가 한국말을 준비를 많이해와서 너무 즐거웠다! "안녕하세요! 하자하자!반으로 나눠요! 둘다~! 깜빡했어요. 제 친구 얘기예요. 등 등" ~~~ 귀여워!
This was it! I was jumping up & down so much that i got so bad pain in my knees after all. This is the first time I felt pain after a concert. In a nutshell, the gig was a phenomenon and his live was speechless. Live was so much better than CD! I think he is just a natural born musician!
Besides his music, his dance was amazing as well. With his long arms and legs, his dance has a unique character! Mika might not a good dancer but he definitely has a signature dance move! I love it and I think I can recognize him only with his silhouette when it comes dancing!
As you see, he wore Korean traditional clothes, Hanbok at the end. He was cute on it! Thank you Mika! Plus, he was also topless as well! A-man! He has such a skinny but muscular upper body! THE BEST!!! Concert was full of energy for sure and Korean fans(including me and my friend) were amazing as well! I'm so proud of myself as his biggest fan!!!
Last thing! He also prepared some Korean words! That was actually unexpected thing.
"Let's do it! Let's do it! Divide you guys into two! two~. i forgot. It's a story of my friend. etc. etc.... "so cute!
미카의 싸인! Mika's autograph!
공연 후 사람들이 싸인과 사진찍느라 정신 없었다.
After the concert, people were crazy to take a picture with it!
그러나...그들은 미카의 싸인회가 있었다는 것을 모르고 싸인 사진만 찍고 갔을 것이다.
하지만 나는...왠지 미카의 싸인회가 있을 것 같다는 왠지 모를 믿음이 있었고 계속 기다렸었고..
하늘이 도왔을까? 진짜 미카의 팬싸인회가 야외에서 있었다! 감사합니다!!
싸인도 받고.... 얘기도 하고! 아 아직도 흥분이...
They might take his autograph and be gone. However, i waited for him to have his actual autograph. I believed that he would come out to autograph, so i waited and waited.
God bless me!! It happened in real! Mika went out and i could have his actual autograph!
OMG! have his name on his album and talked to him! it's amazing! Still i'm in a shock!
미카에게 물었었지.....언제 다시 한국 올꺼냐구!!!! 그가 그랬다 "내년에 오겠다구" 그래!
내년에 올거란다! 그떄는 더 큰 공연장에서 하겠지만 그래서 그때는 이렇게 직접 볼 기회는 없겠지만 그래도 너무너무 행복하다.
MIKA! "I asked you when you'll come to Korea again!!! and you said "NEXT YEAR!!"
Yes! He's coming again! G=R=E=A=T!!
It's going to be a huge theater when he'll have his second tour in Korea. I might not have a chance to see him as much close as yesterday, but I'm just so happy to imagine his second concert in Korea!
********그리고 미카가 그의 Twitter에 써 놓은 한국공연에 관한 코멘트!*********
미카도 우리가 좋았구나?
Mika! You must like Korean fans!!